You pay cash loan in equal monthly installments. It is enough to provide funds in the amount of your installment to the account in Mobi Banka until the last calendar day of the month, whether it's a working or non-working day, when the payment will be automatically made.
Payment for cash loan obligations can be made in two ways:
1. By making a payment to your current account in Mobi Banka
Your account in Mobi Banka is active immediately after the contract signing.
You can see the number of your account in the contract, on the debit card issued with the account or in Mobi Banka’s mobile or internet application.
Payment for cash loan obligations can be made to your current account in Mobi Banka, in the way it best suit you:
- Directly at Mobi Banka’s ATMs, using debit card or mCash service via mobile phone
- Via internet or mobile application, or with standing order if you have a current account in another bank
- At Mobi Banka branch, Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Belgrade
- In other domestic banks, post office and payment institutions
2. By making a direct payment to Mobi Banka account 908-11501-07 with the reference number of your loan product.