If you have been unable to resolve the situation in question by getting in touch with the Customer Service (0639005) or sending an email to banka@mobibanka.rs, you can use this form to file an official complaint to Mobi Banka’s actions. Before filing the complaint, please make sure to read the instructions for filing e-complaints.
You can file your complaint within three years of the day when you think that your rights or legal interests were infringed.
You can file complaint via email address: prigovori.banka@mobibanka.rs
The first four fields containing your data are mandatory. To be able to continue the complaint process, please make sure to fill them in and then verify the email address that you entered into this form. The email verification link will be valid for 1 hour. After this time expires, you will need to start a new complaint process.
If you are a customer of Mobi Banka, you will receive an answer to your complaint to the email address that you provided as your contact address. If you are not a customer of Mobi Banka, you will receive an answer to your complaint to the email address provided in this form and verified thereafter.
The “Message” field is mandatory and can contain no more than 5000 characters.
The attachment to your complaint can contain only supporting information and/or documents concerning the complaint in question. The maximum attachment size is 4 MB.