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How to send a complaint?

Complaint can be sent in the following ways:

  • Through the inbox in internet and mobile application by using the option “New message” and choosing “complaint” type of message
  • Via email:
  • At the following address: Youth Brigade 90v, 11070 Novi Beograd

Employee of the Bank will receive a complaint at any of the business premises where it offers services, and will issue to the client a certificate of receipt of the complaint, which will contain: the place and time of receipt, and the name of the person employed by the bank who received the complaint. 

  • The Bank has the obligation to send the client a written response within 15 days as of the date of receiving the complaint, at the latest. If, for reasons beyond its control, the Bank is unable to send the response within 15 days, that period can be extended for 15 additional days, at maximum, whereon the Bank will inform the client.

  • If the Bank assesses that the complaint is grounded, it will also inform the client whether the reasons for filing the complaint have been eliminated, or on the deadlines and plans for resolving them. If the Bank assesses that the complaint is unjustified, it will inform the client accordingly, with an adequate explanation.

  • If a client is dissatisfied with the Bank's response, he is entitled to file a complaint to the National Bank of Serbia within 6 months period of time. The client hast the right to file a written complaint to the NBS Department for Financial Consumer Protection in writing at NATIONAL BANK OF SERBIA, Department for Financial Consumer Protection, Nemanjina 17, 11000 Beograd or Post-office box 712, 11000 Beograd or by email:

The bank is not obliged to respond on complaints addressed verbally.

Regulations on customer complaints