Mobi Banka Supports „Pruži korak” Campaign with One Million Dinars
Mobi Banka has joined the humanitarian #Pruži korak (Take a Step) campaign organized by the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer (NURDOR), by donating one million dinars for the construction of a new Parents’ Home in Belgrade.
Telenor banka becomes Mobi Banka
As of today, Telenor banka continues its business operations under the new name, Mobi Banka. This comes as natural next step in the development of the first mobile and online bank in Serbia, after it was acquired by PPF Group in February 2019.
PPF Group acquires Telenor Banka
PPF Group announces that it has acquired a 100% stake in Serbia-based Telenor Banka from Telenor Group, having obtained the necessary regulatory approval from National Bank of Serbia.