The benefit the 3in1 credit card brings is primarily the possibility of advanced card management online or through the mobile application. In such a way users will save the time it would take them to go to the bank and finish everything online, with just a few clicks.
Without having to go to the bank, through the Telenor Banka app, limits can be set for cash withdrawal from ATMs, as well as for payments on points of sale and online. It is also possible to instantly view one’s account balance and future liabilities. One can customize the card adapting it to personal needs, which involves choosing the payment channel, enabling or disabling the card, activating it, setting or changing the PIN and blocking and replacing the card.
We remind that the benefits of the 3in1 credit card of Telenor banka are: revolving, refinancing and payment.
With credit card, customers always have money at their disposal, the repayment period starts up to 45 days later, while the repaid part of the debt is immediately available for use. The 3in1 card has all the benefits of a standard credit card, with the possibility of refinancing in instalments, as well as of making online payments on the Internet or through Telenor Banka app (payment into a different account, one click-payment of bills, top up, transfer from the credit limit to the current account).
Telenor Banka is the fastest growing online bank in the region offering its customers innovative services combining telecommunication and financial services.